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Conference Call Replay Link

By January 15, 2016February 2nd, 2020Training

Thank you to those who joined us last night on our Prepare, Train and Deploy Conference Call. 
As you heard last night, we have big plans for 2016 here at CRI and we want you to be a part of it!
We are committed to reaching the harvest in crisis and have designed specific training and deployment opportunities to take crisis response ministry to the next level.
Next Steps
1) Visit our training page to view and register for an upcoming training and deployment opportunities.
2) Our Preparing Communities of Refuge (PCR) events are a great way to understand the need for preparation and ways you can be a blessing to people in need. If you are totally new to CRI we recommend starting with this event.
3) If you’ve already attended a PCR, the next step is an upcoming Crisis Response Training (CRT). This is our entry level certification track to prepare responders to deploy with us.
4)  If you have already completed a CRI CRT training you are eligible to deploy with us to Texas, Greece or Iraq – application is required so please email[email protected] asap with your availability.
5) For all those who have completed a CRT we want to personally invite you to our Advanced Training Summit this year in Charlotte. We are excited to welcome Tom Houser, formerly with Global Awakening and Randy Clarke who will help our responders go to the next level.
6) Pray with us and our responders around the world. We need your prayer support now more than ever as we scale out our operations and seek to reach more people for Christ in 2016 than ever before. To join our Circle of 50 intercessor team please email: [email protected].


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