Preparing Fearlessly

Matthew 24:4-14 (TPT)
“Don’t panic or give in to your fears, for the breaking apart of the world’s systems is destined to happen. But it won’t yet be the end; it will still be unfolding… Yet through it all, the good news of heaven’s kingdom will be proclaimed all over the world, providing every nation with a demonstration of the reality of God.”

Matthew 28:20 (NIV)
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Fear can easily take hold of our hearts in times of uncertainty and crisis. Jesus warned us of great turmoil—wars, famines, earthquakes, and persecution—but He also assured us that these events would provide opportunities to fulfill the Great Commission. Even as the world crumbles, our mission remains: to proclaim the good news of God’s kingdom.

Fear is a natural response to crisis, but as followers of Christ, we are called to live fearlessly. This doesn’t mean we won’t experience fear; rather, we refuse to let fear control us. When the attacks at the World Trade Center on 9/11 happened, I was called upon to use the resources I had of motion picture lighting equipment to light up the response efforts. I was overwhelmed with fear, as was our nation gripped with terror. Yet, over time, I’ve learned that there’s nothing more powerful than bringing the gospel into the darkest and most dangerous situations. Whether we face global or personal crises, we can stand firm in our calling, moving from a defensive position to an offensive one, boldly sharing God’s love wherever we are.

In Matthew 28:20, Jesus promises, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Given the context of the Great Commission, this promise assures us that even in the hardest of times—through wars, rumors of wars, and unprecedented crises—Jesus is with us as we live missionally. His promise is not just for those who heard Him speak that day but for all believers throughout history to the end of the age. He never suspends our involvement in the Great Commission because of these events; instead, He strengthens it, guaranteeing His presence as we navigate these challenges.

Our preparedness for crisis is not about self-preservation; it’s about being ready and able to fulfill our mission. Just as Noah, out of godly fear, prepared an ark for an unprecedented event that would reshape the world, we, too, must prepare for the unprecedented events outlined in Scripture. But our preparation isn’t just about surviving these events—it’s about being fruitful for the Kingdom of God during and after the crisis.

Living fearlessly for the gospel’s sake means placing the Great Commission above our comfort and security, knowing that we are part of a greater narrative that leads to the fulfillment of God’s kingdom on earth. Just as Noah’s preparation was part of the story—after the flood, he and his family were commissioned to repopulate the earth. As we prepare and ark for the preservation of our family, remember that we are also called to populate heaven by fulfilling the Great Commission.

Remember and take great encouragement in this: when Jesus described a time in history filled with wars, famines, and earthquakes, He also said, “Yet through it all, the good news of heaven’s kingdom will be proclaimed all over the world, providing every nation with a demonstration of the reality of God.” This means that the Great Commission and the most fruitful harvest will occur in the context of crisis. This is good news!

Let’s ensure that our spiritual and practical preparation for crisis serves as the platform on which we can carry out our divine mission to fulfill the Great Commission, even in the most challenging and uncertain of times.

Reflection Questions:
1. In what areas do you feel fear is holding you back from fully living out your calling?
2. How can you shift the weight of your focus from the challenges and crises around you to the mission God has given you?
3. What steps can you take today to live more fearlessly for the sake of the gospel, knowing that Jesus is with you always?

As we prepare for the challenges ahead, embrace a fearless mindset anchored in the promise of Jesus’ presence, knowing that our mission is to bring the gospel to those in crisis and fulfill the Great Commission.