Historic torrential rains and flooding have led to 25 deaths in rural Kentucky as water washes away homes from their foundations in the Appalachian region. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has called the situation a state of emergency citing one of the worst floods in the state’s history, has asked for financial resources, and asked the National Guard to assist with rescue operations.

Reports include up to 12 feet of water in some parts of Eastern Kentucky. As the National Weather Service calls for more rain in the forecast, one Christian ministry is organizing to bring relief, aid, basic needs, and more to the least lost and forgotten. 

“These communities really need it,” explained Sean Malone, Director of Crisis Response International based in Blue Ridge, VA. Malone explained that most of the flooding and people hurting are in remote, low-income areas, small country towns, mostly elderly and away from help and resources including towns like Wayland, Langley, Allen, Topmost, Honeybush, and Left Beaver. 

“We’re going to lean into this, but flooding is tough, you can’t get in right away, but these communities that we are talking about, the waters have receded and the need is great,” explained Malone as the sent out teams this morning to the flooding zones. 

Responders are invited to fly into CRI’s ministry base camp in Virginia and make the  4-hour drive and bring resources with them including tools, mobile kitchen supplies, and more. 

While most relief organizations go to the bigger cities and that leaves the poor and rural communities to get relief last, CRI is going to help anywhere it’s needed. 

“We’re going to go to the forgotten, the underserved, we’re going to bring the kingdom of God, the love of Jesus, we’re going to see people touched with God’s power,” explained Malone. 

The ministry is scheduled to load trailers Sunday morning and roll out with teams to help aid homeowners with muck-outs, prayer, food, and other needs. CRI has established contacts on the ground to organize a basecamp as its network of thousands of responders answers the call to go. 

Give here. 

Trained responders sign up to go here. 

Train here to deploy. 

About CRI: 

CRI trains individuals and churches to meet the unique spiritual, physical, and emotional needs that arise in urgent times of crisis and disaster. After training, volunteers are screened, credentialed, and become eligible for deployment to relief operations around the world. We highly recommend attending the next Boot Camp to become a disaster relief volunteer with us or take our online training here.