I just returned after being there for a week, and I can tell you the Bahamas are on the verge of a great awakening.

This deployment has marked me in an entirely different way than any other deployment in the past. The teams have seen many miracles of healing and several people being delivered from torment/fear and survivor’s guilt and oppression.

Talk about growing in confidence in this area of ministry! God is pouring out His Spirit and moving powerfully!!!

There is still so much to be done. God is calling forth and sending out a new breed of mercy missionaries to bring great demonstrations of His love and power in the midst of crisis.

YOU can do this! All you need is a passport, and God’s love to go. The Bahamas still needs our help!
We urgently need Responders for Wave 7.

~ Colleen // CRI Responder // N.C.


Deploy To The Bahamas


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8


Faith Requires a First Step


We live in a day when disasters are more frequent, crisis is intensifying, and hostility is growing towards righteousness.

Yet, the nations groan for God…

Whether we face oppressive governments, calamity, or war, we have a job to do. The stakes have never been so high, and it is time for our great light to shine.

God promised we’d do great exploits in His name. We must go forth with love and power and let the gospel explode into every ethos, tribe, and nation.

…This mission is possible!

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