Prepare, Train, Deploy –  Personally Connect With Us Thursday 1/14

Learn How to Prepare, Train & Deploy – Exclusive Conference Call Thursday 1/14 with Crisis Response International.

You are called, chosen and destined to do goods works which God prepared in advance for you. But how? When and where? There hasn’t been a model or a framework to prepare, train and deploy God’s people into effective local, national and international crisis missions. Until now.

As crisis and disasters shake cities and nations, God is raising up men and women equipped, certified and after his heart to bring Hope and Light into the darkest corners of the earth. Will you join us?

To learn more and discover if you were meant to be part of the answer to the prayers of thousands of men and women in crisis we’d like to invite you to an exclusive conference call, Thursday, January 14 at 7:30PM EST with Crisis Response International Founder and Director Sean Malone.

Register Here:

 What Will Be Covered On the Call  

          • The rise of local, national and international disasters


        • How to prepare your home and community


        • How to train and become certified in crisis response skills


        • How to deploy with us to disaster and crisis situations around the world


        • Essential certification to gain access to disaster zones


        • Updates from current and past deployments from CRI responders


        • Hear about our upcoming training opportunities

Sean-Malone-CRIAbout Sean Malone While involved in the motion pictures industry in New York City, Sean found a front row seat at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks where he provided lighting for the search and rescue operations. This is where the seeds for being involved in crisis response work were planted. In 2007 he officially launched Crisis Response International, and since then have trained thousands of Responders to reach the Harvest in the midst of crisis. Sean’s work has been featured in Charisma, Christian Post, Gospel Herald and Elijah List among others.

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